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From Our Home To Yours

In the mountains of Yauco, a small town in the Southwest of Puerto Rico- where the ideal soil, altitude, humidity, and temperature conditions exist - the coffee “Aromático Regio” is produced, elaborated, and processed. “Yaucafé” is an artisanal micro-enterprise that is family-run, and processing is solely hand-operated. Our coffee is elaborated in a traditional ancestral way, as was at the beginning of the 20th century. We dry our coffee in the sun and don't use pesticides or insecticides. We use an eco-friendly approach. This enables us to provide a first-class fresh coffee with a unique and exquisite taste. Our coffee is considered one of the finest in the world. We know the elaboration of our coffee directly from the bushes to your cup! 

Congratulations for being one of the privileged people in the world to enjoy our exquisite, exotic and limited edition coffee!

Rafael Rodríguez (Owner of Yaucafé) 

Call to order
